Tuesday 13 September 2016

Math week 8

This week we had a math problem to answer and the question was
Problem Solving Strategies: Draw a picture, make a list/chart, trial and error or guess and check, look for a pattern, work backwards, logic and reasoning, write a number sentence.


If Miss Fisher leaves home at 7:15am, takes 20 minutes to walk to work, works for 4 hours, has a 30 minute lunch break, works for 3 ½ hours then finishes work, what time will it be in 24 hour time?

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Matt Whittle


1. What is one reason Matt Whittle is even more of an outstanding Good Sort than any other NZer who has been nominated?
Because he does not do it for money 

2. Matt does not accept money like other second hand shops. Can you think of a reason why he might have chosen to do this?
Because he donatingredients it to food bank

3. How has his Dad been a big supporter of his work?
Because he help him with the stuff he can't do 
4. Where are the cans going?
To the food bank
5. What do you think the community feel about Matt's work?
6. If you could tell Matt one sentence, what would it be?
What made you think of doing this

Friday 26 August 2016


We are learning about change maker so we are trying to help the spca so we made a poster

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Baa baa black

We where changing the words in a nursery ryhme and I choosed Baa baa black
Baa, baa, black sheep, have you any wool?
Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full!

One for the master,
One for the dame,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the lane

Baa, baa, white sheep, have you Got a pool?
Yes Bro, yes Bro, three bags full!

One for the master,
One for the Train,
And one for the little boy
Who lives down the Alley way

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Letter to Riley

James Brown
Havelock North Intermediate School,
13 Nimon Street,
Havelock North

Tuesday 26th July 2016,

Kia ora Riley,

Hi my names James Brown and I go to Havelock North Intermediate. I am in Room 12. I haved played football for 6 years. I have one younger brother who is 10 years old and I am 12 years old.

In our class we have been learning about change makers like yourself. We are learning about people who made a change to someone or something. Im learning about Garth McVicar who is the founder and former chief executive of the Sensible Sentencing Trust.

I think it was really cool of what you did for your friend and I think it was really impressive that you were aiming for $100 dollars and raised $378 and you sound like you really great friend. You are such a great friend.

You are someone who everybody should look up to and someone I look up to too.

Kind Regards
James Brown
Room 12 HNI

Thursday 4 August 2016

Change makers

We have been looking at change makers this week and this is what I did.

Self reflection

Number Knowledge - The Power Of Reflecting!

A learner in our class who can teach, tutor, explain an area of knowledge to me is Fraser.

An area of knowledge I am an expert in and can teach, tutor, explain to another learner is Mult/Div

The areas I did well in include…

My starting point after completing my reflection is

The areas I need to develop further include…
Write the new number
Complete the sequence
Equivalent Numbers
How Many
Factors, Primes & Multiples

A wondering question I have about this assessment/my results?

Friday 1 July 2016

How smoking affects the human brain, bones and muscle

How smoking affects the human brain, bones and muscle

Why does smoking affect your health? Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable deaths in New zealand, accounting for more than 80,000 deaths each year. One in two smokers will die from a smoking-related disease.

The effects to the brain are making your chances higher of having a stroke than someone who does not. It makes a brain aneurysm a brain aneurysm is a bulge in the blood vessel caused by a weak point in the blood vessel, when it ruptures causing blood to rush into the skull causing a stroke which will usually lead to a very bad stroke called subarachnoid which will lead and cause brain damage and even death. But the good news that if you stop within 2 years of when you start the effect. Now what do you think will happen to the muscle and bones? Let's find out.

Smoking can cause you bones to become weak and brittle. Smoking gradually decreases your bone density over the course of your life. This leads to low bone density, and usually go faster on older women. It makes your hips very likely to get them fractured and it can help if you Quit as early in life and if you do it reduces these risks compared if you do when you're older. If you smoke your bones get weaker because of the ingredients in the cigarettes it makes it harder for the bones to make a tissue.

Thursday 30 June 2016

End of Term 2 2016 Reflection

Answer these questions with your thinking and then copy and paste onto your blog...

End of Term 2 2016 Reflection

1. What has been the funniest, awesome, coolest achievement that has happened this term? Learning
2. What progress have you made with your reading, writing, inquiry and maths learning this term? I think I have really improved
3. What are your aspirations for term 3? To not get on to red or orange
4. Who is one ‘new’ person you would like to sit next to next term? somebody who will help me get my work done
5. What is your goal for home-learning next term? To do it more
6. What can your teacher do to support your progress and learning in term 3?
Help me keep on track
Eg. Seuss-quotes-1.png

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Hoax website

For our student workspace we had to make a hoax website a hoax website is a fake website made to trick people. This is mine we had to make it look like a real website.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Graffiti wall

We were learning about the human machine we were searching up facts and then making them into graffiti.

Leaf art

As it is Autumn, we thought we would use some of the leaves, sticks and other natural products found on the ground to create some leaf animals.  First we decided on our animal or mythical creature, then we planned out the leaves we would need to create our artwork.  Once we collected our leaves we glued them on to the paper (some required hot glue guns) and then presented our art. This is my Art it was supposed to be a pig but it didn't turn out how I thought.

Thursday 14 April 2016

te reo game

We have been learning about days of the week in Te Reo.  We have learnt the assimilation and traditional names.  To show our learning we created Te Reo games.

We had a range of Kahoots, Scratch games and hand made games to play.  

We had a lot of fun (and noise) playing these games.

This is my game

Wednesday 13 April 2016


We have been learning about co-ordinates, reading maps, compass bearings, directions and using an atlas.

On Tuesday afternoon we had the opportunity to partake in orienteering with the Hawkes Bay Orienteering club.  They set up two courses around the school.  

The first course Josh and I were working together and we done it in round about 6 minutes

The second course was a bit harder but we got it done in the end we got 14.35 and had lots of fun.

These are some of the photos

The dragon slayer

WALT: plan and write a descriptive piece of writing.

Success criteria (for plan):
  • brainstormed words you could use.
  • Know what your story is going to be about
  • Organise my ideas into what could be written as paragraphs.
  • Ordered my ideas so that the paragraphs make sense.

Task 1: plan a descriptive piece of writing to explain the character of Tarragon.

Looks: Blue beady eyes, Spike shoulder blade, big chin, big muscle, pointy nose, helmet like a viking, tiny legs

Personality: tough, nice, brave, no fear, Big heart, strong, take advice from horse, give dragons ride on horse,

Job: 19 kill, giving up his job for a dragon, jingles money after a kill,

5 synonyms for these words
  1. Brave= heroic, unafraid, death-or-glory, bold, daredevil
  2. Strong= ripped, tough, powerful, muscular, well built
  3. Kind= nice, friendly, helpful, encouraging, caring
  4. Caring= kind-hearted, warm-hearted, soft-hearted, tender, feeling
  5. Mean= beast,  mean person,  nasty, horrible, rats

As strong as king kong
Strong like a horse's kick
as tough as wwe fighter
tough like a gorilla
as kind as your family
as mean as the dragon slayer


In a time when dragons threatened mankind, there was only one man who fought against them all.  His name is Tarragon. He and his brave battle horse Black Bull, roamed the desert in search of these terrifying monsters. But things don't always turn out as they should...

Tarragon is a dragon slayer the best dragon slayer around. He works as hard as he can. He kills for the money. He doesn't care if the dragon has babies to take care of. He is ruthless and will stop for nothing.

He has a sharp pointy nose with blue beady eyes he has a shoulder armor with giant spikes. He has a helmet like a viking he has a big chin. He has such big muscle and so tiny legs.

He is the toughest knight but deep down he has such a big heart and he has no fear and is brave. He take advice from his horse. He is strong.

Scratch maze

We made a scratch Maze following a youtube video. See if you can make it as well.

Tuesday 12 April 2016


As I look at my breakfast I see…

Pancakes yummy when I take a bite gooey golden syrup rolls down my face. It taste like banana then the golden syrup kicks in and it taste so divine. I bite it again a banana flavor flows into my mouth. Then a chocolate pancake enters my mouth. Ice cream enters my mouth and gumdrops taste and the lollies taste so yum.

The pancakes smell like banana muffins just out of the oven a smell that warms your nose and a chocolate smell that smell like melting chocolate. The

ANZAC: Dulce et decorum est

For writing we have been reconstructing a poem following the structure of Dulce et decorum est by wilfred owen.
Miss hooper read us instructions and we constructed our own poem  about ANZAC.

This is my poem:

A comrade gone

We are coughing most of us have scars and cuts
Some are clutching their chests, falling to their knees hearing gunshots hit my comrades.
I start hopping away from the gunshot my ears started to bleed from the noise
I start tripping over my feet then I found some shelter.  
We walk and trip over our feet we drag our feet along the ground to tried to pick up our feet. Our shirts are ripped as we march on through the pain
Cut feet and throbbing thighs.
Our heads were spinning as thoughts race through our heads. Will we get home?

“Gas Everyone”! I yelled as everyone sprinted for their gas mask.
They pull out their mask as speedy as they can. Then put it on.
But one can not ,he is too far away from the kits he breaths heavily as the poison get into his body.
The poison is a very dark green we look for each other but instead we go away from each other.  

The man with no mask appears from the dark green gas coughing and his eyes wide open he breathes hard. Grasping my arms he's gone I think to myself.

Imagine this, We put him in the wagon with a pale face his head as cold as ice, his eyes rolling around in his head. I felt sad as I watch my comrade died, as I remember watching him coughing and spluttering falling to his knees.
He's rolling around in the wagon.  

Blood draining out of his mouth turning into a puddle of blood,
He was so white expected for the red blood and green mucus,
With every cough blood and mucus came out of his mouth like a fountain,
It's a sight you don't want to see.

For you who have not experience this sight you do not want to.
It not a good sight to see a comrade died in front of your eyes.
So don't tell your kids this story or else they'll have nightmares.
And this is a soldier's tale.    

Friday 18 March 2016

Friday 11 March 2016

NZ flag referendum

WALT: use our plan to write a discussion text, which tells the history of the flag, and both points of view.

Success Criteria:
  • Has an introduction which tells us what the text is going to be about.
  • Has one paragraph explaining the history of the flag.
  • Has one paragraph explaining why we should keep the flag.
  • Has one paragraph explaining why we should change the flag.
  • Has a conclusion saying what your opinion is on the flag debate.

Model introduction:
Between the 3rd-24th March 2016 there will be a referendum held in New Zealand as to whether we should officially change the flag.  A referendum is when the public (over 18) are asked to vote on a question from the government about our nation.  The public will be deciding between the current NZ flag and the Silver Fern Flag.  

We are having a flag referendum whose side will you be on? Will you choose to change or keep the flag? Do you think that it should be that you have to be 18 and over to vote?

The NZ flag has had a busy history.The flag we currently have was made in 1902 by lieutenant Albert Hastings Markham. We have had 3 official flags we flew the british flag. Some think that Albert copied the Australian flag.We had the union jack, which is the national flag of the United Kingdom.

One side of the referendum is to keep the flag. Why you should keep the flag? Some reasons are because there was so much money spent on it that could of fed people in need or helped the environment. We have family who died with in the war with the flag.

There are multiple reasons for changing the flag. We are sometimes mistaken for australia. We could have a New flag though up by our by our own country members and a new look for New Zealand.

I don’t think we should change the flag because we have history behind it. Do you think we should change the flag?

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Room 12 house chant

In class we made house chants for Sheppard this is Kane and bake and I made this chant.Each group had to come up with a chant that was catchy,rhymes,makes sense and positive.

Swimming Sports

On Thursday of 11th of Feb Sheppard house went to the village pools for the swimming sports. We enter one swimming event each person gave it a shot. I enter freestyle and enjoyed it.

Monday 15 February 2016


Today was my first day at technology @ HNI. We looked at the get ready website and I learned

  • create a household plan ready for a disaster.
  • Have an emergency kit.
  • Have a getaway kit.

At Electronics I am going to design and make an emergency torch that is powered by a battery that I can use in my bedroom if such an event ever occurs.
Get Ready Get Thru Logo