Friday 11 March 2016

NZ flag referendum

WALT: use our plan to write a discussion text, which tells the history of the flag, and both points of view.

Success Criteria:
  • Has an introduction which tells us what the text is going to be about.
  • Has one paragraph explaining the history of the flag.
  • Has one paragraph explaining why we should keep the flag.
  • Has one paragraph explaining why we should change the flag.
  • Has a conclusion saying what your opinion is on the flag debate.

Model introduction:
Between the 3rd-24th March 2016 there will be a referendum held in New Zealand as to whether we should officially change the flag.  A referendum is when the public (over 18) are asked to vote on a question from the government about our nation.  The public will be deciding between the current NZ flag and the Silver Fern Flag.  

We are having a flag referendum whose side will you be on? Will you choose to change or keep the flag? Do you think that it should be that you have to be 18 and over to vote?

The NZ flag has had a busy history.The flag we currently have was made in 1902 by lieutenant Albert Hastings Markham. We have had 3 official flags we flew the british flag. Some think that Albert copied the Australian flag.We had the union jack, which is the national flag of the United Kingdom.

One side of the referendum is to keep the flag. Why you should keep the flag? Some reasons are because there was so much money spent on it that could of fed people in need or helped the environment. We have family who died with in the war with the flag.

There are multiple reasons for changing the flag. We are sometimes mistaken for australia. We could have a New flag though up by our by our own country members and a new look for New Zealand.

I don’t think we should change the flag because we have history behind it. Do you think we should change the flag?

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